Rainbow Painter version 0.9.1 Copyright Rainbow Painter is copyright © Addiction Interactive HB 1999. http://www.addiction.se info@addiction.se You are allowed to spread the unregistered version of this application, as long as no files in its archive are missing or altered. You may put the unregistered version of this application on your ftp site, home page, cover CD, collection CD etc (giving us a free copy of the CD would be nice, but it's not required) without informing us. Credits Assembly Language Programming: Rasmus Sšderberg and Mandus Sšderberg Beta Testing: Stuart Ball, Ben Aein, Lorin Rowe, Robert Orlando, Owen Saxton THIS APPLICATION IS SHAREWARE! (Please read 'How To Register', for details about registering Rainbow Painter) You're welcome to evaluate this fully working demo for 4 weeks, then you have to register or delete it from your disk. The shareware fee is only 12 US Dollars. The 'Export' function is locked in the demo, but your work is still auto-saved in the 'Portfolio'! You are not allowed to spread any registered copies of this application. System Requirements Macintosh or MacOS compatible with PowerPC and 'Thousands' or 'Millions' of colors, and at least 10Mb of free hard disk space. No special system extensions are required, Rainbow will even run after a clean boot (shift), but you need Quicktime if you want to import a PICT file. Known Incompatibilities No support for multiple screens. Can't run from CD. Don't change resolution or color depth, while Rainbow is running. Please report any bugs to: bugs@addiction.se Before You Start Switch to 'Millions' or 'Thousands' of colors. Please hide the control strip (if you have one). If you're going to work on large pictures with many layers, it's a good idea to assign more memory to Rainbow Painter (in the Finder, choose 'Get Info' after selecting 'RainbowPainter', then increase the 'Preferred size'). Try to avoid using virtual memory, as this will slow down the program. Always Remember When using Rainbow Painter, always remember that the 'Esc' key brings up the main menu. Manual And Help The manual is accessible from the main menu (press 'Esc'). Press the 'Help' key or 'F15' to get information about whatever is underneath the mouse pointer (if any info is available, that is). About The User Interface We once got the advice that if we would change the background color of the drop menus, we would upset the majority of Mac users, so we haven't done that. However, we have done a few minor changes to the recommended MacOS guidelines... The desktop you see when you start the program is called a 'Studio'. You can travel between three different studios in the main menu (press 'Esc'). Any changes you do to the studios (i.e. if you close a window) will be saved when you quit the program (also done in the main menu, or by pressing 'Command-q'). In the top right corner of every window there's a button to rotate/change the contents of that window. Think of it as three windows on top of each other, where you use this button to bring up the next window. If you want to change the size or placement etc of the window, or replace one of its three contents, click on the screwdriver button in the top left corner of the window. If you see any empty space in the studio (i.e. after you have closed a window), just click in the void and a new window will appear. Use the screwdriver button mentioned above to adjust the window. About Rainbow Painter Forget the load-paint-save routine you're used to. In Rainbow all your current work is inside the 'Portfolio', which is loaded and saved automatically. When you're completely finished with a painting/photo/collage you 'Export' (one of the 'Picture Operations') it. The picture file can then be found in the 'Exports' folder when you quit the program. If you want to import a picture, just place the image file(s) in the 'Imports' folder and then start Rainbow. Only place COPIES of the picture files in that folder, since the program will automatically keep the folder clean by destroying the file(s) after the import. At the moment Rainbow can import pictures in the following formats only: PICT, Targa, RAW, Rainbow. Please note that some of the file formats must have a correct file extension (the 3 letters after the dot): 'Rainbow.RBW', 'Targa.TGA', 'Raw.RAW'. PICT files can have any name you want. Tech Note: Although Rainbow can import various types of RAW pictures, an exported RAW picture from Rainbow looks like this: 8 bytes header (width.4, height.4) image data (rgbrgbrgb... every pixel is 3 bytes) Standard Disclaimer Addiction Interactive HB is not to be held responsible for any damage to hardware or software or loss of data that may occur by using Rainbow Painter. This document is copyright © Addiction Interactive HB 1999.